Virtual Tux

An API providing tuxedo size recommendations.

The Virtual Tux is an API that predicts tuxedo measurements, including jacket, shirt, vest, and pant sizes & fits, plus a subset of body measurements based on a minimum of 4 inputs, including height, weight, and age. All responses are returned as JSON.

See Common API Topics for global patterns across all endpoints.


Virtual Tux API


Please note the client_id and user_key requirements, along with the minimum required inputs.

Query Parameters


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: text/javascript

{  "code": 200,
   "customer": {
     "coat_style_no": "1130",
     "height": 72.0,
     "jacket_size": "34R",
     "jean_waist": 30.0,
     "pants_style_no": "1130",
     "shirt_style_no": "5770",
     "shoe_size_us": "12/ D",
     "vest_style_no": "8861",
     "weight": 150.0
   "measurements": {
     "chest": 35.65,
     "coat_sleeve": 17.14,
     "hip": 37.65,
     "neck": 15.13,
     "outseam": 41.15,
     "overarm": 43.45,
     "shirt_sleeve": 34.71,
     "waist": 31.33
   "message": {
     "overall": "OK"
   "size_recommendations": [
       "coat_chest": {
         "confidence": 1.0,
         "size": "34"
       "coat_fit": {
         "confidence": 0.76,
         "size": "REG"
       "coat_length": {
         "confidence": 0.63,
         "size": "L"
       "pants_fit": {
         "confidence": 0.88,
         "size": "REG"
       "pants_length": {
         "confidence": 0.8,
         "size": "R"
       "pants_waist": {
         "confidence": 0.91,
         "size": "31"
       "shirt_collar": {
         "confidence": 0.76,
         "size": "17"
       "shirt_fit": {
         "confidence": 0.72,
         "size": "FTD"
       "shirt_sleeve": {
         "confidence": 0.85,
         "size": "35"
       "vest_length": {
         "confidence": 0.97,
         "size": "REG"
       "vest_size": {
         "confidence": 0.62,
         "size": "SML"

Example response

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: text/javascript

{  "code": 200,
   "customer": {
     "coat_style_no": "1130",
     "height": 72.0,
     "jacket_size": "34R",
     "jean_waist": 30.0,
     "pants_style_no": "1130",
     "shirt_style_no": "5770",
     "shoe_size_us": "12/ D",
     "vest_style_no": "8861",
     "weight": 150.0
   "measurements": {
     "chest": 35.65,
     "coat_sleeve": 17.14,
     "hip": 37.65,
     "neck": 15.13,
     "outseam": 41.15,
     "overarm": 43.45,
     "shirt_sleeve": 34.71,
     "waist": 31.33
   "message": {
     "overall": "OK"
   "size_recommendations": [
       "coat_chest": {
         "confidence": 1.0,
         "size": "34"
       "coat_fit": {
         "confidence": 0.76,
         "size": "REG"
       "coat_length": {
         "confidence": 0.63,
         "size": "L"
       "pants_fit": {
         "confidence": 0.88,
         "size": "REG"
       "pants_length": {
         "confidence": 0.8,
         "size": "R"
       "pants_waist": {
         "confidence": 0.91,
         "size": "31"
       "shirt_collar": {
         "confidence": 0.76,
         "size": "17"
       "shirt_fit": {
         "confidence": 0.72,
         "size": "FTD"
       "shirt_sleeve": {
         "confidence": 0.85,
         "size": "35"
       "vest_length": {
         "confidence": 0.97,
         "size": "REG"
       "vest_size": {
         "confidence": 0.62,
         "size": "SML"

Garment Attributes

Compared to our other endpoints, the Virtual Tux has the option to include garment attributes. These help identify size and fit for the customer, and is based on the following fields:

  • coat_style_no

  • pants_style_no

  • shirt_style_no

  • vest_style_no

If these fields are not provided or not fields that have been registered, then a general model is used that does not take the garment into account.

Additionally, if a customer selects a specific fit, we can include that in the model input.

  • coat_fit

  • pants_fit

  • shirt_fit

If a fit is not given, then the model can recommend which fit is best for the customer.

Last updated